Our Products
Raw Cotton
PEDIGREE G.Dot.100(G.hirs.) X G.Cot.10(G.hirs.)
DURATION Sown : June - July Harvest : October - February
FIBRE PROPERTIES (a) 2.5% Span Length
i) MM (From-To)
27.5 - 29.5
ii) Inches (From-To)
1.1/6" - 1.5/32"
(b) Micronaire
3.5 to 4.9
(c) Strength
i) G/Tex (ICC)
21 - 23
ii) GPT (HVI)
27 - 29
(d) Trash
2 - 3 %
(e) Moisture
7 - 8.5%
COMPARABLE FOREIGN GROWTH U.S.Fibre Max/Acala,West African,Australian,Brazilian,Tanzanian and Syrian

Along with S-6, we can also offer other Raw Cotton varities like Bengal Deshi, Mech 1,H4, Bunny/Brahma,DCH 32 and V - 797